Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

Today, Tableau is one of the most crucial tools strong-handedly ruling the software and business workplaces around. In the competitive world, the more you know about the tool, the more the chances of you getting recruited. As we know that Tableau increases the weightage of your resume, here we are presenting the compilation of 101 Important Tableau Interview Questions and Answers that help the freshers to ace the Interview. Ready?

Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

Tableau is a BI software that helps in visualizing the data in graphical format and helps in creating interactive and shareable dashboards. It makes the understanding and analysis of the data easy for the user. It helps business users in engaging with the data, to ask questions, and solve problems.

So, we know that it is a bit tough to crack interviews, although you have a good knowledge of this particular skill. To boost up confidence levels in you, we strongly suggest you go through our predicted and reliable compilation of 101 Tableau Interview Questions and Answers which helps in polishing the basic knowledge much stronger.

Q1. What is Tableau?

Tableau is a data visualization tool (like presenting the data in the form of dashboards) that helps in simplifying the raw data into a user-understandable format. It is widely used in the Business Intelligence Industry.


Q2. Is the software ‘Tableau available for free?

Yes. You can upload a file that contains the data or a spreadsheet to the ‘Tableau Public’, a free Tableau software, which helps in converting the data into interactive visualizations for easy understanding and analysis. Another free Tableau tool is ‘Tableau Reader.


Q3. Tableau Software Company was founded by?

Christian Chabot, Pat Hanrahan, Chris Stolte, and Andrew Beers together founded the company Tableau Software in January 2003, in Mountain View, California.



Q4. Tableau Software Company’s current headquarters is in?

Tableau Software Company’s current headquarters is located in Seattle, Washington, United States. The current CEO of this company is Adam Selipsky.


Q5. Name any three best features of Tableau.
  • Data Blending
  • Real-time analysis
  • Collaboration of data


Q6. With Tableau, are there any size limitations?

No! We can import the data with no limitation of rows and columns.


Q7. Is there any data limitation with Tableau Public?

Yes. Tableau Public allows only 10M rows to perform the visualizations.


Q8. Name some File Extensions in Tableau.
  • Tableau Workbook (.twb)
  • Tableau Data Extract (.tde)
  • Tableau Datasource (.tds)
  • Tableau Packaged Datasource (.tdsx)
  • Tableau Bookmark (.tbm)
  • Tableau Map Source (.tms)
  • Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx)
  • Tableau Preferences (.tps)


Q9. Tableau Desktop’s latest version?

Tableau Desktop’s latest version is 2020.3 released on the 11th of August, 2020.


Q10. In Tableau, what LOD stands for?

In Tableau, LOD stands for ‘Level of Detail’ Expression. These are the commonly asked Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for the fresher candidates in an Interview.


Q11. Define LOD.

Level of Detail (LOD) is an expression that helps in running the data that contains many dimensions at the data sourcing level. It runs complex or difficult queries.


Q12. What does the tableau product suite consist of?
  • Tableau Desktop
  • Tableau Public
  • Tableau Online
  • Tableau Server
  • Tableau Reader


Q13. Define Data Visualization.

Data Visualization is a technique that is used to represent the data in a graphical format by encoding. This technique helps the user to analyze and understand the data easily. The best examples are bar charts, pie charts, histograms, etc.


Q14. Define the Developer tools in Tableau.

In Tableau, Developer tools are the tools that help in developing visualizations, reports, dashboards, and charts.


Q15. Define the Sharing tools in Tableau.

In Tableau, Sharing tools are the tools that help in sharing the visualizations, reports, dashboards, and charts that are developed using the Developer tools.


Q16. The Tableau products that fall under the category of developer tools are?
  • Tableau Desktop
  • Tableau Public


Q17. The Tableau products that fall under the category of sharing tools are?
  • Tableau Online
  • Tableau Server
  • Tableau Reader


Q18. Define ‘Tableau Desktop’.

Tableau Desktop is a product or a feature that helps in coding as well as in customizing reports. This tool works in creating the visualizations like charts, and reports, or the blend of them into dashboards.


Q19. Tableau Desktop is mainly classified into how many types?

Tableau Desktop is mainly classified into two types, namely:

  • Tableau Desktop Personal
  • Tableau Desktop Professional


Q20. Where can the workbooks of Tableau’s Desktop Personal be distributed?

The workbooks of Tableau’s Desktop Personal can be distributed either in Tableau Public or in Offline. These are the frequently asked Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for the experienced candidate in a Tableau Interview.


Q21. Where can the workbooks of Tableau’s Desktop Professional be distributed?

The workbooks of Tableau’s Desktop Professional can be distributed either in Tableau Server or Online.


Q22. What is the main difference between Tableau desktop personal and professional?

The workbooks of desktop personnel can’t be published online, whereas the workbooks of desktop professionals are ideal to be published online or on the Tableau server. Additionally, Desktop Professional can access all sorts of data types, whereas Desktop Personal can’t.


Q23. Define the Tableau Public

Tableau Public is a product of a feature that helps in making the workbook available for all to access and download by placing the workbook in the Public Cloud of Tableau. This feature is cost-effective.


Q24. Can we save the workbooks locally using Tableau Public?

The word ‘Public’ says it all. No, we can’t save the workbook locally. Instead, it uploads the workbooks into the Public cloud of Tableau through which anyone can access or download the uploaded workbook.


Q25. Define the Tableau Reader

It is the feature or a product or a tool that is available for free. It allows you to view the visualizations and workbooks that are created using Tableau’s Desktop or Reader. Data filtering can be made. However, modifications to the data are restricted.


Q26. Define Filter

A filter is a tool that helps in removing or restricting an unnecessary set or a range of data present in the dataset. It helps in providing accurate details.


Q27. What are the types of filters that are used in Tableau?
  • Quick Filter.
  • Data Source Filter.
  • Context Filter.


Q28. How do you remove the ‘Show All’ option from an Auto Filter in Tableau?

To remove the ‘Show All’ option from an Auto Filter, we need to follow the path:

Right-click on Filter -> Customize -> Uncheck the ‘Show All option.


Q29. What are the connection types available in Tableau?
  • Extract Connection
  • Live Connection


Q30. Define the Extract connection

Extract connection deals with the snapshot of the data taken from the data source and upload into the repository or the folder of Tableau. Important Tableau Interview Questions and Answers that are put forth to freshers and experienced candidates in an interview. 


Q31. Define the Live connection.

Live connection deals with the creation of a direct connection to the data sources, such that the data can be directly fetched from the tables with fast access speed.


Q32. Tell us an advantage of the Extract file over the live connection in Tableau.

Using the Tableau Extract file, we can create the visualizations anywhere without connecting to the database. We can use these files without any connection, anywhere, and anytime.


Q33. Tell us the major difference between .twb and .twbx file extensions.

The .twb file takes the data to live and the one who receives these files needs to get permission to access it, whereas the .twbx file takes the data offline and stores it in the zip file format. So, the .twbx file is permission free to access.


Q34. How many tables can we join maximum in Tableau?

There is a limit to the number of tables we can join in Tableau ultimately. We can join up to 32 tables. We can’t combine more than 32 tables in Tableau.


Q35. In Tableau, Joins can be performed in how many ways?

In Tableau, we can perform the Joins in two ways, as in

  • Using common columns
  • Using common data types


Q36. In Tableau, Joins are divided into how many types?

In Tableau, Joins are mainly categorized into two types, namely:

  • Equi Join
  • Non-Equi Join


Q37. Define Equi Join.

Equi Join is a type of Join in which we use the ‘=’ operator to match and join the records of two tables.


Q38. What are the different categories in ‘Equi Join’?

There are three categories present in ‘Equi Join’, namely:

  • Inner Join
  • Outer Join
  • Self Join


Q39. Define the Inner Join.

Inner Join is one of the categories of ‘Equi Join’. It helps in loading the records that match in both tables, strictly. =


Q40. Outer Join is categorized into how many types?

Outer join is classified into three types, namely:

  • Left Outer Join
  • Right Outer Join
  • Full Outer Join 

These are the Important Tableau Interview Questions and Answers asked for fresher candidates in an Interview.


Q41. Define the Left Outer Join.

The Left Outer Join is one of the categories of Outer Join that displays all the records from the left table along with the MATCHED records from the right table.


Q42. Define the Right Outer Join.

The Right Outer Join is one of the categories of Outer Join that displays all the records from the right table along with the MATCHED records from the left table.


Q43. Define the Full Outer Join.

The Full Outer Join is one of the categories of Outer Join that displays complete data from both tables.

table A full outer join table B ON =


Q44. Define the Self Join.

Self Join is used when we want to perform the Join operation on a table with itself.


Q45. Define the Non-Equi Join.

Non-Equi Join is a condition in which we join the tables using the conditions containing any operator other than “=”. The operators we use here can be <, >, <=, >=, and =!.


Q46. What is data blending in Tableau?

In Tableau, Data Blending is a technique that is used to mix the data from multiple data sources into a single sheet, making it easier for the users to perform the analysis of the data. 


Q47. Tell us any two rules of Data Blending.

When we are performing the data blending technique coupon two different data sources, they both should contain at least one common dimension.

In each common dimension, there should contain at least one matching class or value.

Q49. In how many ways can we perform the data blending?

We can perform the data blending technique in two ways, namely:

  • Automatic way
  • Manual or Custom way.
Q50. What is the difference between Automatic blending and Custom blending?

Automatic blending helps in automatically defining the relation between the two different data sources based on the matching values and common dimensions, whereas, in Custom blending, the user defines the relation manually.

Q51. What are the functionalities of the data blending?
  • The primary and secondary data sources are linked with each other by a specific relationship, be it user-defined or automated.
  • Every worksheet must have a primary connection. A secondary connection number is optional.
  • In the worksheet, the primary connections are indicated in blue color while the secondary connections are represented with an orange tick mark.
  • In the worksheet, the secondary data sources can be multiple, but it should have one primary data source. These are the commonly asked Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced candidates in an interview. 


Q52. Define Dimensions

In Tableau, the descriptive data columns present in the worksheet are known as the Dimensions. The product names, city names, etc are the example


Q53. Define the heat map.

In Tableau, the measurables such as numerical values are known as Facts. The profit rate, discount, sales, etc are examples of the facts.

The Heat Map is a data visualization tool that helps in comparing the two different measures, using color and size for easy understanding.


Q54. Define the treemap

TreeMap is one of the most powerful data visualization tools. It helps in comparing the two different data measures using the nested rectangles by illustrating the hierarchy data.


Q55. Why do we use dual axes?

In Tableau, Dual axes are used to display the two data measures in a single graph.


Q56. Define blended axes

Blended axes are the axes in which we can display the multiple measures in a single axis. Here, we can place all the marks in a single pane.


Q57. How to go for blended axes?
  • Firstly, Drag a dimension in a column
  • Secondly, Drag the first measure in the column
  • Thirdly, Drag the second measure in the existing axis
  • Lastly, use Us/multiplemeasures_blendedaxes.html


Q58. In Tableau, can we perform testing?

No. As Tableau is a data visualization tool, we cannot perform testing in it.


Q59. How do you use the parameters in Tableau?

In Tableau, we use the parameters with

  • Filters, 
  • Calculated fields, 
  • Actions, 
  • Measure-swaps, 
  • Changing views,
  • Auto-updates.


Q60. Is it possible to view the top ten and the last ten sale values in the same view?

Yes. In Tableau, we can display the top ‘x’ values and the bottom ‘y’ values using the filters or the calculated fields. These are the frequently asked Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for a fresher candidate in an interview.


Q61. How to display the top ten and the last ten sale values in the same view?
  • Create a view which contains the top 10 records
  • Create another view which contains the bottom 10 records
  • Create a view by joining the above views.


Q62. Condition: I want to display sales and profits as a chart that shows the region-wise sales and profits. How can I do it?

Generate a map of cities -> Drag the columns of profits and sales to the details -> Add ‘Quick filter’ state.


Q63. Condition: I want to add the custom color. In Tableau, how can I do it?
  • In Tableau’s 9.0 version, the color picker option is available. We can use it.
  • Else, we need to create a custom color code as follow:

Documents -> My Table Repository -> Preferences.tps


Q64. How does tableau help business users?
  • For easy understanding and analyzing,
  • In engaging with their data,
  • In asking questions,
  • In solving problems,
  • In creating values.


Q65. Condition: I want to combine a database and the flat file data. How can I do it in Tableau Desktop?
  • Firstly, we need to connect the data twice, one for the DB tables and one for the flat file.
  • Then, go for Data-> Edit Relationships
  • Lastly, give a join condition upon the common columns from the database tables to the flat file.


Q66. Define Data Modeling.

Data modeling, the first step to be performed in OOP, is the data object analysis and helps in identifying relationships among these data objects.


Q67. Define parameters.

Parameters are the changeable or dynamic values that help in replacing the values of the constants in making the calculations.


Q68. Tell us about the common work process of Tableau.

The daily work process goes in this flow:

  • Requirement analysis,
  • Getting the required data,
  • Creation of a storyboard, 
  • Creating the visualizations in Tableau, 
  • Presenting the visualization in front of the client for review.


Q69. How the performance effects based on the size of datasets?

If the size of the datasets is medium, the data source takes minimum time to execute the query. If we take a huge dataset, the execution time of the query becomes more and the Tableau should wait till the execution completes. So, the performance depends upon the size factor too.


Q70. Condition: I want to publish and schedule a workbook in Tableau Server. How can I do it?

Create a schedule -> Create an extract for the data source -> Click ‘Scheduling and Authentication’ option -> Select the schedule from the drop-down -> Publish. The above are the Important Tableau Interview Questions and Answers that are put forth to the freshers and experienced candidates in an interview. 


Q71. Define Page shelf

Page Shelf is one of the powerful tools of the Tableau that is used to control the display and the results to be printed on the output.


Q72. Tell us one major difference you find between the versions Tableau 7.0 and Tableau 8.0.
  • Visualizations such as treemap, bubble chart, and box and whisker plot are added in Tableau 8.0 version.
  • Direct copying of one workbook to another workbook is enabled.
  • Introduction of the R script.


Q73. How can we create the filled maps in Tableau?

Build a Map View -> Double-click on a geographic field -> Select the Filled Map Mark Type -> Drag a Field to the Color shelf -> Drag another field to the color shelf and define the phenomena of coloring the locations.


Q74. Parameters have their own drop-down list. True or False?

True. Parameters can have their own drop-down lists. In the creation of the parameters, we make entries. Those entries can be viewed as a drop-down of the respective parameter.


Q75. Tell us a major difference between the INDEX and RANK.

In Tableau, INDEX deals with the position of the record, whereas RANK deals with the data or the value present in that record. INDEX value goes on incrementing by one on every next record, and RANK is based on the value. The highest value gets the highest rank, whereas the lowest value gets the last rank.


Q76. Name the data types used in Tableau.
  • String
  • Number (Whole)
  • Number (decimal)
  • Boolean
  • Date
  • Date & Time
  • Geographic Values


Q77. Give examples of various data types in Tableau.
  • String: ‘Database’, ‘Hello World’
  • Number (Whole): 9754, 52, 0
  • Number (decimal): 1233.23
  • Boolean: TRUE, FALSE
  • Date: “12/09/2020”
  • Date & Time: 12 September 2020 01:35:00 PM
  • Geographic Values: India, China, Mexico


Q78. Define Story

In Tableau, Story is a group of worksheets and dashboards that helps in the analysis and insights of the data.



Q79. What is the use of creating a story?

The story is useful in displaying the relationship between the facts and the outcomes that affect the decision-making process.


Q80. Tell us the ways you follow to improve the performance of the Tableau.

We can improve the performance of the Tableau

  • By hiding the unused fields
  • By using the content filters
  • By reducing the scope of the data
  • By using an extract to make the workbooks run faster
  • By reducing the filter usage
  • By using the indexing in the tables
  • By using the same fields for filtering
  • By removing the unnecessary calculations and sheets.


Q81. Define the Mark card.

The Mark card is present on the left side of the view into which we can drag the fields and the control mark properties like:

  • Color, 
  • Size, 
  • Type, 
  • Shape, 
  • Detail, 
  • Label,
  • Tooltip.


Q82. What do you mean by the Bullet graph?

Bullet graph deals with the comparison of one data measure with the other measures and is one of the variants of the bar graph.


Q83. What is meant by the Gantt Chart?

Gantt Chart displays how the value changes over the period in the form of bars along the time axis.


Q84. What is meant by the Histogram?

Histogram is a graphical visualization chart that represents and displays the continuous data that happened in a specific period.


Q85. Condition: I want to download the Tableau Public. How can I do that?
  • Go to 
  • Enter your e-mail address
  • Click “Download the App”
  • Once the file is downloaded, run it
  • Follow the prompts to install the Tableau
  • Go for the Tableau shortcut on your desktop
  • Icon -> Double Click = Loading of Tableau
Q86. What is the major difference between the tiled and floating layouts?

In dashboards of Tableau, the Tiled layout is a layout in which the items doesn’t overlap and adjusts itself based on the dashboard size, whereas the Floating layout is a layout in which the frames can be placed on the other frames, as well as they can be fixed to a position.


Q87. Dimensions are categorized into how many types?

In Tableau, the dimensions are categorized into 9 types, namely:

  • Slowly ever-changing Dimension
  • Chop-chop ever-changing Dimension
  • Unchanged Dimension
  • Shrunken Dimension
  • Junk Dimension
  • Conformed Dimension
  • Degenerated Dimension
  • Role enjoying Dimension
  • Inferred Dimension


Q88. VIZQL refers to?

VIZQL refers to ‘Visual Inquiry Language’.


Q89. Define Visual Inquiry Language.

Visual Inquiry Language is the combination of the VIZ and SQL. VIZQL is a language that converts the queries into the visual images.


Q90. List the components we find in the dashboards.

Mainly, we find 5 components in the dashboards, namely:

  • Web
  • Horizontal component
  • Vertical component
  • Image Extract
  • Text


Q91. Define Discrete data roles..

Discrete data roles consist of the separate and distinct values that can take independent values within the range. They can be sorted. These are the commonly asked Important Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for the freshers and experienced candidates in an interview. 


Q91. Define Continuous data roles.

Continuous data roles consist of the values situated in the finite or infinite intervals. Here, the continuous fields can’t be sorted.


Q92. In Discrete data roles, the Order Quantity field is colored in?

In Discrete data roles, on the columns shelf, the Order Quantity field is colored in blue.


Q93. In Continuous data roles, the Order Quantity field is colored in?

In Continuous data roles, on the columns shelf, the Order Quantity field is colored in green.


Q94. Tell us any two reasons for the low performance of Tableau.
  • Using filters unnecessarily.
  • Live connection reduces the performance compared to the extract connection.
  • Loading the wrong data source reduces performance.


Q95. Global filters can be applied on?
  • Sheets,
  • Stories,
  • Dashboards.


Q96. List any three charts that we should avoid using?.
  • 3D Charts
  • Pie Charts
  • Donut Charts


Q97. How do you handle the null values in the Tableau?
  • By using the ‘Filters’.
  • By replacing the null values with any default value.


Q98. Tell us a way with which we can use groups in the calculation field?

Select Analysis -> Click the calculated field -> Enter the field name -> Enter the calculation -> Click Ok.


Q100. Can we install Tableau on macOS?

Both the Windows Operating system and macOS supports the Tableau installation.


Q101. List the challenges we face when we load huge volumes of data into Tableau
  • Slows the run time.
  • Testing becomes complex.
  • Data Extraction.
  • Alignment issues.

Tableau is a vast topic, an ocean. We have tried to cover almost every topic with the motto of preparing you to face the Interview Questions on the ‘Tableau’ topic, strongly. However, these 101 questions are the most popular and are predicted to be asked in the interview, by our team. We think that these lists of Interview Questions will help you. Hope you will ace the interview questions asked on ‘Tableau’ with your answers. Good luck! Besides these interview question, Tableau Training in jalandhar at O7 Services offers the best-in class training for the Tableau to widen your career horizon and to have a holistic understanding of the Tableau concepts
