Android Q Or Android 10 Release Date And Feature Rumors

Android Q Release Date Android Q is a latest upcoming version of Android. Finally we got official announcement for releasing date of Android Q is 9 May 2019. Well we should praise XDA-Developers because many of us are waiting for Android Pie and they developed Android Q. This is fantastic, I mean too much brilliance and hard workers they are. Feature Rumors  We can say it feature rumors or we can say it, customer’s expectations toward latest version of Android One of the conformed feature of Android Q is it’s gone a be wide dark mode system. This looks classy. This setting can be set to always ON or it can based on the time of day. This feature is developed on it to break the feature of Android Pie because in Android Pie this is only present in certain app or on  selected screen Google launched latest version android 10 on some devices for testing. They are trying to add new feature that is desktop mode and a revamp of privacy options. One thing is to notice that this includes totally new approach to permission settings. It means we will have ability to restrict limit an app’s access to a specific setting, such as location, while the app is in use. Another rumor features is screen splitting, which is my personal favorite only developed in Android 10. I mean so excited about it.  Screen splitting means you can access two apps together. Screen will divide into two parts and both applications will work together.


Kotlin Vs Java : Which One Is Better To Choose For Android

Kotlin Vs Java its now become a trendy and hot topic in today’s era.Everyone is familiar with java. So before start blog I would like to explore about Kotlin. Earlier developers used Java for android apps or C/C++. But Few years ago Android officially announced Kotlin as its first supported language. Kotlin History Kotlin introduced in 2011 by JetBrains. The main reason to create kotlin was to make something better than Java in every possible way. Kotlin was made inter-operable with java because JetBrains did not put an effort to write an entire new IDE’s from scratch. Which one is better for Android- Kotlin Vs Java When kotlin released after that every developer started thinking about which one is better for android kotlin or java. So this becomes a huge debate of kotlin vs Java. I will clear some doubts for this I am gone a tell you about features of both (kotlin and java) . JAVA Java is favorite language from the beginning because it is a general purpose programming language and object oriented class based language. Without any doubt java is the most effective and growing programming language ever created. Advantages of Java Platform Independent: This is a main feature of java that it is a platform independent language. It means it has the ability of maneuver simply from one system to a different. Flexible: Java can run in browser window or even virtual machine. You can reuse code and update software in java. Java ensures faster build process than java. Java language is secure It has a potential for a program many tasks at the same time at intervals a program. Disadvantage Of Java It requires more code which can be a reason of errors and bugs. It’s slower in comparison to many other languages and requires a lot of money. Java has limitations that cause problems with Android API design. Kotlin The main motive to develop Kotlin was to add some additional features to Java for handy mobile applications. Kotlin is based on Java virtual machine and kotlin language is a statically and open source language. Kotlin codes can also run on ISO and compile it to JavaScript. You just need to install kotlin plugin and configure it to your project. Advantages of Kotlin Switching from java to kotlin is very easy because you need to just install kotlin plugin. It cost nothing except for learning and training. Possibility of error is lesser than java. Got a lot of traction in Android development, but it’s also being used in backend projects such as Spring 5 Disadvantages of Kotlin Its tricky to find kotlin mentor for a team because kotlin developers are still a rarity. Kotlin is new as compare to java so for kotlin problems it is difficult to find answer. Android compilation tends to run slower in comparison to pure java project. How Can Switch From Java To Kotlin Be Helpful? In Kotlin vs java race everyone want to swtich from java to kotlin because its a modern language and it has many benefits as compare to java Kotlin is newer than java as I mentioned advantaged of Kotlin there are many option available in kotlin which were not available in Java. We can build a project with both java and kotlin codes. Because kotlin is simultaneously operable with java. Kotlin has the majority of Java and frameworks. Kotlin is an enhancement of Java, so a java developer or an existing java application user will be easily able to comprehend what Kotlin cod e is doing. It looks familiar, the code is easy to read and understand.

Google Flutter Tutorial | Easy Guide To Beginner About Google Flutter

Google Flutter Brief Description Google Flutter is an open source software development kit which is organized by Google and it is used in Google Fuchsia. Fuchsia is an operating system which is also a Google product. Google Flutter  History Flutter’s first version was known as “Sky” and it ran on the Android operating system. It first came in 2015. Flutter’s latest version is Flutter 1.0 and releases on December 4th , 2018. It is a first stable version of the framework. What Is Flutter Google Flutter is a latest and trendy topic by Google to design High performance and High fidelity mobile apps for Android and IOS, using single code base. Well if you are thinking to learn flutter but you afraid from coding languages. If you don’t have coding background. You can easily learn flutter because it uses dart as their primary language to create single code. Dart is also a Google language. Dark is very easy to learn so can make your career in dark language, since most programmers are not already using it. In future everything gone a change. So it can be a great opportunity for all new comers. Some Fabulous Features Of Flutter: Well here are many beautiful feature flutter have but few of them I would like to share with you i.e. Native Performance: Google knows everything and it knows how to be up to date. Google Flutter is cross platform so its widgets can incorporate with all critical platform differences such as icons, navigation and icons to provide full native performance on both Android and IOS. Fast Development It has hot reloading you can say it reloads in milliseconds. It uses fully customization widgets to build native interface in minute. Expressive And Flexible UI Well it focuses on native end user experiences. It gives fast rendering and flexible designs.


AGILE METHODOLOGY: Perfect Method For Software Development and Testing

Before going forward first I want to tell you concept of AGILE Methodology. So let’s start. What Is Agile Methodology? AGILE methodology is an easiest and best method to develop and test the software as compare to other methods like Spiral Method and Waterfall Method. Here I said easiest and best let’s understand these words in agile method. It means that AGILE Methodology is practice to promote continuous iteration of development and testing. Let’s understand it in deep. AGILE means the ability to responds changes- changes from Requirements, Technology, and People. Here we will talk about Technology which is software development. Before AGILE Methodology we have Iteration and incremental process. In Incremental process development divided into parts but these parts does not work till the completion of whole software. Besides this Iteration process also divides the development but after completion of one part it starts working. But AGILE Methodology is a combination of both Iteration and Incremental process. Clients can interact with their project any time during the process. Clients/Customer involvement is there always. They can interact anytime. Engineering actions are carried out by cross functional team. It means that all the team members will be experts. No one will handle others work that individual experts will handle their own work. Like management team, marketing team, UI expert etc. In this developers and testers work together with the involvement of customer. To make it more simple for you I am gone tell you about other methods so that you can understand it and can compare and relate it with other methods. After all the older methods AGILE come forward in market you can say that it inherit some qualities from other methods. Advantages of Waterfall included in AGILE Simple To Implement: why I am telling simple to implement because it has sprints. Sprint is just like one phase. It divided the work into small sprints. After completion of one sprint (eg: designing, development) you can check the working process of the part. Client and project manager can interact with each other after completion of one sprint. Here is used word Sprint, it means all the task is divided into small parts if one part is complete then it called one sprint. As mention below: Advantages of Protocol Method Included In AGILE Users are actively involved in the development. Same happened in the AGILE Method like if one sprint is complete than project owner or user can access it and check if there is any other requirement or not. Due to involvement of clients or customers errors can be detected in much earlier stage. Missing functionality can be identified easily. Advantages of Spiral Model Included In AGILE In spiral method it divides product in different prototypes. Like if one prototype is completed then client can see the working of that prototype. With the discussion of client errors and corrections can easily do in that stage. Basically AGILE methodology is a combination of waterfall method and spiral method as I said before. How We Can Do Work With Agile Methodology The picture given below explains everything. What customer wants and AGILE Delivers to Customer First of all as I told you before again and again that customer involvement. The owner of that particular product should aware about his product completion stages. Here I used word transparency it means that there should be proper interaction between product owner and developers. So that owner could know that which part is complete and which part is in process. Due to this it will be easy for customer to predict that in how many days his product will ready to work. After that I told you that in AGILE method we work in sprint (small chunks). When one sprint is completed then it should be on working stage. Like if you developed five pages website, in that website if two pages are ready and if product owner can start his site or web application with these two pages then we have to focus on users. AGILE Methodology improves quality of product because in this we have experts for each department. Because we know how many team members we need for one single product we can predict the cost of that product. It allow changes because we divided the product in small sprints if is there any changes required than we can change it in next sprint. This advantage is taken from RAD Method.

How To Rank A Website On Top Page Of Google

How To Rank A Website On Top Page Of Google Improve your Google Ranking Step-By-Step How to check rank of a website If you are looking for this questions’s answer then you are in the right place. I will tell you some tolls and some Google guidelines which will help you for sure. According to a study, the first page of Google receives 95% of web traffic, while subsequent pages receive 5% or less of total traffic. Everyone wants to run his website without getting penalized and wants to be visible on the top of the Search engine result pages (SERPs). In this blog to improve your Google ranking I will tell you some tricky things about it step-by-step. Step 1.  Google ranking algorithm First of all, you should know about the Google ranking algorithms. That means you should be aware of the Google ranking algorithm how Google ranks a website what kind of algorithms it uses. Google constantly changes its algorithms, even though most are not publicly announced. Well, it’s necessary to be hidden something, because if everybody knows about all the algorithms then they will start doing Black Hat SEO strategies to get the highest position in the search engine result on the page. What will be the output of that only is Google would not succeed in ranking only the best results. But generally, Google gives some Guidelines if you do work according to them, Google will upgrade your rank. This way includes White Hat SEO. Step 2.  Know your current search ranking You should know about your website’s current search ranking. How many people are looking for your website? How much traffic do you get? What is your page size and loading speed? For this, there are many free online tools available. You can easily use those tools to get information about your current search ranking. Add your URL and select the location Use the Ubbersuggest tool You can check your website speed for this using GT matrix Put your site URL and click on analyze. It will tell you about your site speed. It will also tell you about what you should change for better results. You can check your site’s health report for this there is also an online tool available that is DOMAIN HEALTH REPORT By using these tools you will able to work on these kinds of problems which we normally ignored after creating a website. Step 3. Proper optimization As I told you about online tools with the help of these tools you can optimize your problems easily. For this, you have proper SEO knowledge that is search engine optimization. This is the most important module to get a higher rank on the Google search engine. For this, you can go to my other blog which will tell you about the On-Page SEO techniques, which you should remember while doing optimization. Step 4. Work on Links Try to fix broken links Create some backlinks Many websites provide backlinks to your website. It may be dofollow backlinks or nofollow backlinks. But we need both nofollow and dofollow. Google counts only do follow links as positive scores but if we only have to follow links then Google will spam us so to balance this thing we need both links. This is a part of OFF PAGE SEO. Step 5. Track and measure the right metrics Find out what factors you need to improve for your website, Like: Organic Traffic Organic traffic is which comes from Google. So need to measure how many visitors you are getting via Google. Keyword research Keyword research is the process of identifying the words and phrases that people use to search for information, products, or services on search engines like Google. It is an essential aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) and content creation, as it helps website owners and marketers understand what their target audience is searching for and optimize their content accordingly.

How To Install Ubuntu

How To Install Ubuntu Install Ubuntu Select language (English) Next Next Erase disk and install ubuntu Continue Where are you? Keyboard Layout (English US) Your Name: For eg:  O7 Services After these steps installation will start. After 10 minutes installation will be complete. Restart Now Login (Enjoy) Download Ubuntu: The first step is you need to download Ubuntu. In this, we will discuss about Ubuntu version 15.10. The most importantly you need to download the Desktop version. Because in server version you have to install all the desktop’s graphics manually. Check If Your Desktop Will Boot From USB: The complicated thing about installing ubuntu might be getting your computer to boot from the USB. The complication depends on how old your machine is, the manufacturer, and what model you have. Make Changes In BIOS: For installation Ubuntu from USB you need two things: Corrected BIOS settings on your computer to look for an operating system on the USB before it looks to the hard drive for that and A bootable USB Install Ubuntu :  Follow the below screen steps to install ubuntu on virtual machine after getting the bootable USB. Pick the language according to you. Leave these steps unchecked and click on continue. Select the option Erase disk and install ubuntu. If you choose something else it will let you create your own partition. Which will become more complicated and messy. This screen will pop up. Click on continue it means you are erasing the existing partitions on your hard disk. Select the time zone according to your country. Select the keyboard type or language. Fill in your login details. After filling the all details if you choose log in automatically then you will not need password in future. Choose require my password to login so that no one other than you can login your system. Now installing is completed. Click on Restart now button. It will copy and fetch your all data. After that, you can log in to your system.

How To Install CodeIgniter In Window

How To Install CodeIgniter In Window How to install Codeigniter in window is very easy you just follow some easy steps to install codeigniter in window. For window you in wamp server and if you are installing codeingiter in OS X and Linux you need to have MAMP and LAMP server in your system respectively. Now these are the steps of how to install codeigniter in window: First of all you need to download the codeigniter. Just go to search engine and search for download . codeigniter and go with first link as shown below. Click on download Codeigniter 3 as your are downloading it in window. Save this zip file where ever you want to save it. Extract this zip file. Just right click on zipped file click on extract all. After that if you want to change the extract file locations you can click on browse otherwise just extract it. Go to your wamp folder. Then select www folder. In www folder create a new folder and name it. As I named it ‘ci’. When you done with all these steps. Go to codeigniter folder which you extracted. Copy all the folders. Paste these folders in the ci folder which you were created in www folder in wamp. Start your wamp server. After that go to chrome and search for localhost.your ‘ci’ folder which you were created, will shown on localhost. Open this folder, all the data will created in this folder.

RestFul API

WHAT IS REST API RESTFUL API or Rest API is the most popular API. In REST API , REST stands for Representational State Transfer and API stands for Application Program Interface. It is a code that allows software programs to communicate with each other. It defines correct way to write a program that request services from an operating system or other application. How API Works? API’s are made of two related elements. The first is specification that describes how information is exchanged between programs, done in the form of request for processing and a return of necessary data. The second is a software interface written to that specification and published in some way for use. Let’s understand working of API with an example: When you use an application on your mobile connected with internet and sends it to the server. Server retrieves that data, interprets it, performs the necessary action and sends it back to your phone. The application then interprets that data and presents you with the information you wanted in readable way. This is what an API is. This all happens via API’s. In layman language –imagine you are sitting in a cafeteria you want to drink coffee. You will tell your order to the waiter. Than waiter will go to the kitchen chief will make coffee. After that, waiter will deliver coffee for you. Here waiter is acted as API. RESTFul API A RESTFul API is an application program interface that uses HTTP request to GET, POST and DELETE data. Because of REST API’s use HTTP, they can be used by practically any programming language and easy to test. While REST can be used over nearly any protocol, it usually takes advantage of HTTP when used for web APIs. This means that developers do not need to install libraries or additional software in order to take advantage of a REST API design. However, there are drawbacks of Restful API design. You can lose ability to maintain state in REST, such as within session, it is more difficult for newer developer to use.

reactive programming

What is Reactive Programming? Reactive programming used  to improve user’s programming experience. Everyone wants to make their application more responsive. In nutshell we want to deliver effortless user experience our users without freezing the main thread, slowing them down and we do not want to serve the log-grade performance to our users. To maintain the main thread free, we want to do a lot of heavy and time consuming work we want to do in the backend. We also want to do heavy work and complicated calculations on our server as mobile devices are not powerful to do the heavy pickup. So we need asynchronous work for network operation. A reactive system is characterized by four properties: Responsive: A reactive system needs to handle requests in a reasonable time (I let you define reasonable). Resilient: A reactive system must stay responsive in the face of failures (crash, timeout, 500 errors. ), so it must be designed for failures and deal with them correctly. Elastic: A reactive system must stay responsive under various loads. Consequently, it must scale up and down, and be able to handle the load with minimal resources. Message driven: Components from a reactive system interacts using asynchronous message passing.
