Swift Programming | Introduction | Features

Swift is a powerful programming language for ios, os x, watch os and tv os apps. It is easy to use and understand. Development in swift code is quite interactive and fun. Unlike many other programming languages, the syntax is concise. The software developed in swift runs very fast and it is safe by design. Development in Swift was started in July 2010 by Chris Lattner.

Artificial Intelligence VS Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence VS Machine Learning Many people confuse Artificial intelligence and machine learning and therefore use these terms interchangeably. Both artificial intelligence and machine learning deals with the computer science world but has a very different concept. In this blog, we look for basic difference between both these terms. Artificial Intelligence: As the term suggests, ‘Artificial’ means man-made i.e. which is non-natural and is created by humans and ‘Intelligence’ means the power or ability to think or understand. Artificial intelligence is not a system, in fact it is implemented in a system. AI doesn’t only include making robots smart in fact if you are making a car, a washing machine, a refrigerator or a software smart then yes, it is AI. For example, problem-solving, speech recognition, learning and planning. Artificial intelligence is getting popular very quickly, affecting the way we live, helps in enhancing customer experience. There is a lot more to come in the growing years with more improvements and development. Machine Learning Machine learning is the ability of the system to learn by experience without human interference. Now a days, machine learning is used alongside AI but they are not the same thing. ML is a subset of AI. ML is a system that gets smarter and smarter by themselves without any human effort. Now a days, most AI uses ML because intelligence requires knowledge and learning is the easiest way to get knowledge.

React Programming-Introduction | Why React | Features

React is a very popular and widely used programming language. It is used by many web developer and full stack developers around the world. O7 Services is the best IT Company in Jalandhar that provides Industrial Training on React.


Laravel Framework | PHP Framework For Web Artisan

Laravel Framework  Laravel is an open-source PHP framework created by Taylor Otwell. There are 140,444 live websites using Laravel. Apart from being a PHP based framework Laravel is best known for its ultimate support in web development. The Laravel framework is secure, scalable, reliable as well as faster for developing web applications. There is various feature like: Built-in Modules Database Structure Template Engine Maintenance Model View Controller Authentication Now, Laravel 6 is launched in the market for web development applications as well as software. Laravel 6 powered by Amazon.Amazon provides Microservices in S3. Big Companies used microservices instead of APIs. There is various engine like Homestead but in laravel 6 engine name is vapor. Laravel has always bought new features with every release. Every single time, it has updated the logo to redesigned websites. In laravel 6, a new website with a brand new logo. It will be so easy to navigate along with the reading experience for developers by offering updated documentation. Sub heading Laravel 6 vapor is a serverless deployment platform for laravel. A lot is happening under some real magic but the most amazing thing about the whole part is serverless technology. You deploy to their platform but we do not think about the infrastructure. In larval vapor, the Serverless Hosting Platform provides encourages collaboration, Improvised Scalability, comprehensive control, Vanity URL, Access different environment metrics, Review and Search Recent Logs and Databases. There is actually a server but you don’t need to think about them. In the past, you might have used Horizon to manage your queues like 30 Horizon processes working queue Jobs. Now, you don’t have to think about it. If you get 2000 Jobs in your queue they will be executed within seconds. There are numbers  of PHP frameworks in the market today, but Laravel is most reliable and significant web application development for the organizations


What Is Function As A Service Or Serverless Architecture?

FaaS stands for function as a service. It is the concept of severing less computing that’s why it is known as serverless or serverless architecture.  Before this, for deploying apps, developers use PaaS (Platform as a service) but now new cloud computing service is here named as function as a service. Now software developers can take full advantage of FaaS to deploy “Function” as a piece of business logic. Postulates Of Function As A Service: It Completes the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events i.e. abstraction of servers away from the developer. No need to pay extra charges as the user just have to pay the bill based on consumption and execution. Services are derived by events and also scalable. Benefits Of Function As A Service: FaaS Can do voluminous transactions and also isolates and scale them. It can also handle a burstable workload. If the user wants to use this service once a day, month or year then no need to pay for 24/7/365 It schedules all the tasks. One can also run the only piece of code on schedule time. Types Of Functions: There are many areas where we use functions but few of them are listed as follows. Scheduled job or task Process a web request Process queue messages Run Manually These functions also chained together. For instance, a web request could write to a queue which is then picked up by different functions. Providers of Function as a Service AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure all are the FaaS providers. Many innovations are still in process in this area and changes are rapid and improve its functionality. In a nutshell, function as a service is now a new future of software and application developers and will be widely used. In future. Click Here to read blog on new techology

What Is Python Programming Language

What is Python Programming Language? Python programming language is a popular language nowadays. It was created by Guido Van Rossum, and released in 1991. It is used for: Web Development Software Development Mathematics System Scripting What can Python Language do? By using python programming language we can create web applications. Python can be used to create workflows along with other softwares. Python can be used for connecting to database systems. It can also read and modify files. By using python we can handle big data and perform complex mathematics. Python can be used for production-ready software development and prototyping. Why Python? Python can work on various different platforms like windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi etc. The best thing about python is that it has very simple syntax just like English language thus, making it easy for user. In python, developers to write programs with short syntax than other programming languages. Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means that prototyping can be very quick. Python can be treated in a procedural way, an object-oriented way or a functional way.


Big Data | Tools used to Analyse Big Data

Big Data is one of the emerging concepts of this era. The term Big Data describes large volume of data that can be structured, semi-structured and unstructured. In other words, we can say that the term “Big Data” is used for the collection of data sets that are so large and complex that that it is difficult to process using traditional applications and tools.


What is Virtualization | Hypervisors

Virtualization means, creating a software-based or virtual representation of something such as Virtual Application, Server, Storage and Networks. It is one of the most effective ways to reduce the IT Expenses. Also, it boosts the efficiency of small size business. When we talk about Hardware Virtualization, the term used is “Hypervisor”.
