Learn Codeigniter

Codeigniter is a framework that is used to develop websites using PHP. It is an Open Source framework which means that you can download it from the internet for free and can make changes in existing files and upload after changes. Codeigniter makes your website run with speed. It also helps to make a website more efficient and attractive.

Easy to Learn Codeigniter 

Codeigniter works on MVC pattern. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. Model Controller flow helps you to understand the flow of the website. The Working of MVC is given as below.

MODEL: Model represents the shape of logic and fetches or retrieve and inserts the data into and from the database.

VIEW: View is the interface which displays the website view to the user.

CONTROLLER: It controls the entire functioning of the website. It takes request from user/web browser the forward to model and in response gets data from the model and then gives that data to the view and views gives response either to the controller or directly to the web browser.


  • First, the web browser makes a request to the controller.
  • The controller process the user’s request and forwards is to the model.
  • The model does database connectivity, and fetch data from the database, APIs, XML & Text files.
  • Controller gets data from the model and passes it to View.
  • A view contains the layout of your website and sends it back to the controller Or directly gives the response on the web browser and gives us the website as the desired output.

Why use Codeigniter?

  1. It is an application framework.
  2. It is user-friendly.
  3. It is free.
  4. It is lightweight ( i.e small libraries, efficient code)
  5. Makes your website Fast.
  6. Follows MVC pattern.
  7. Thoroughly documented.
  8. Generates clean URLs
  • Clean URLs means no extensions like php
  • Helps in SEO.
  • Clean URLs helps to have higher ranks

Features of Codeigniter

  1. XSS filter.
  3. Light Weighted.
  4. Query builder database support.
  5. Session management.
  6. Form validation.
  7. Library for image manipulation.
  8. Data Encryption.
  9. Zip encoding class.
  10. Flexible URL Routing.
  11. Helper Libraries.