How to Use Ant Design in React

How to Use Ant Design in ReactHey there, fellow React enthusiasts! We’re exploring the beautiful world of Ant Design for React today. It’s probably well-known to developers, but it’s a real treat for those who are just starting. Without using the dull corporate lingo, let’s examine this great design library.

What’s Ant Design?

Okay, let’s clarify the basics before we get too fired up. Ant Design is not about ants, and it’s not a picnic organizer. It’s a popular UI framework for React, and it’s here to make your life easier when building web applications.

Why Ant Design?

First things first, why should you even consider using Ant Design? You could say it’s like having a superpower in your toolkit for web development. Some of the explanations for your potential fondness for it are as follows:


  • Parts that are already made: When you’re creating a pizza, picture having the dough prepared, the vegetables expertly sliced, and the sauce already prepared. That’s what Ant Design does for your React app. It offers a ton of ready-made, customizable components – buttons, forms, modals, and more – to save you time and effort.


  • Consistency is Key: Ever seen a website where buttons look like they’re from different planets? With Ant Design, you get a consistent, polished look right out of the box. No more fiddling with CSS for hours on end.


  • Responsive Design: Ant Design is like your BFF who knows how to adapt. Whether your app is viewed on a massive desktop screen or a tiny mobile device, it scales beautifully to fit.


  • Internationalization (i18n): Going global? Ant Design’s got you covered with built-in support for multiple languages. No need to pull your hair out over translation issues.


Getting Started

Okay, let’s get going now that we’re all pumped up. An easy tutorial for setting up Ant Design in your React app is provided below:

  1. Build a React app: Create a new React app if you haven’t previously, using Create React App or your preferred method.


  1. Activate Ant Design: Run the npm install and or yarn add and command to add Ant Design to your project.


  1. Import CSS: In your project’s entry point (usually src/index.js), import the Ant Design CSS by adding import ‘antd/dist/antd.css’;.


  1. Start Using Components: You’re all set! Now you can start using Ant Design components in your React components. For instance, you can import a button like this: import { Button } from ‘and’;


Customization Galore

Remember that pizza analogy? Well, Ant Design doesn’t just give you a pre-made pizza; it lets you add your favourite toppings. You can customize the design to match your app’s unique style. Change colours, fonts, and other styles with ease.

A Quick Example

Let’s say you want to create a stylish button. Here’s how you can do it with Ant Design:

import { Button } from ‘and’;

function MyButton() {

  return (

    <Button type=”primary” shape=”round”>

      Click Me!





You get a rounded, primary-coloured button without breaking a sweat. That’s Ant Design magic right there!


Ant Design Template

How to Use Ant Design in React

The Ant Design Ecosystem

Ant Design is more than just UI components. It also offers tools like Ant Design Pro for building enterprise-level applications and Ant Design Charts for creating interactive charts and graphs.

Parting Thoughts

So, there you have it, a friendly introduction to Ant Design for React. It’s like having a superhero sidekick in your web development adventures, saving you time, effort, and frustration. Plus, it makes your web apps look sleek and professional.

But remember, like any superhero, Ant Design is a powerful tool that requires some practice to master. So, roll up your sleeves, experiment, and have fun creating fantastic user interfaces with Ant Design for React. Happy coding!


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