Best Programming Language For Web Development 2023

Best Programming Language For Web Development. The most popular programming language is Java and which is related to object-oriented languages. Java is robust and very secure and developed by Sun microsystem and released in 1995. Java runs on several platforms like Windows, MAC OS, and various versions of UNIX.

Moreover, the most popular programming language is Java and used in condemning applications for example banking systems, android mobile applications, and stock market trading systems on BSE.

Why Learn Java?

Simple: Java is easy to learn.

Portability: These days java uses really do run well on all popular platforms.

Architectural Neutral: Java compiler initiates an architecture-neutral object file format, which makes the compiled code executable on many processors, with the presence of a Java runtime system.

Best Programming Language For Web Development

Garbage Collection: The programmer does not worry about memory.

Robust: Furthermore, Java makes a lot of effort to remove all error-prone situations by highlighting the compiler time error checking and runtime also.

Where is it used?

Following are the most popular examples of Java:

  • Desktop applications such as antivirus,media player etc.
  • Mobile and smart card
  • Robotics and Games
  • Mobile and Embedded system
  • Banking Applications

Hello World using Java Programming

The basic process of java can be simplified in three steps:

  • Create a program into any text editor and save that program file like
  • Compile it by typing “ javac”
  •  In the terminal window.
  • Execute the program that is  “java helloworld” in the terminal window.


Class helloworld {

Public static void main(string args [] )


system. out.println(“Hello, world”);



Output: Hello world

“Hello world” program contains three primary sections : the hello world class definition, main method and source code comments.

Applications of Java programming

Multi-Threaded: It is possible to write a program that can perform many more tasks simultaneously. This kind of design feature allows the developer to build interactive applications that can run smoothly.

Interpreted: Java code is rendered on the fly to native machine instructions. The development process is more rapid and analytical since the linking is an incremental and lightweight process.

High Performance: Java permits high performance with the use of Just-In-Time compilers.

Dynamic: Java is more dynamic than other programming languages like C and C++. Java Program can contain a huge amount of run-time information that can be used to verify and settle the accesses to objects on run-time.


This is the basic introduction to learn java. If you are interested to learn java. We are providing java online/offline JSE and JEE training in Jalandhar.

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