What is Room Database in Android


  • Room is a constant library that is part of the Android jetpack. It is built On the top of SQLite. The room persistent library has many advantages over raw SQLite.



  • Room makes everything easy and clear to create a Database and achieve the operations on it.


  • Database to save and perform the operations on endless data locally. The Room DataBase is suggested by Google over SQLite.


  • It can help to manage data. 

What is Room Database in Android


  • Cache the applicable pieces of the data so that when the user’s device is offline, they can still browse and aspect the content offline.
  • Compile-time SQLite query verification protects the application from collision.
  • The comment that it gives minimises the boilerplate code.



  • Have Android Studio installed.
  • Have a basic knowledge of building Android applications.
  • Have a basic understanding of the Kotlin programming language, SQL, MVVM architecture and Kotlin coroutines.



  • No need to write rough Queries.
  • Compile Time verification of SQL queries.
  • This quickly supports the merging with other Architecture components.
  • Room provides an easier way to work with LiveData and perform the operations.
  • There is no need to change the code when the database schema gets changed.



  • Database Class: This provides the main access point to the basic connection for the application’s persisted data. This is annotated with @Database.
  • Data Entities: This represents all the tables in the existing Database. This is annotated with @Entity.
  • DAO: It stands for DATA ACCESS OBJECT. This contains the method to perform the operations on the Database. This is annotated with @DAO.
  • @Insert-It  is Used to insert records into the Room Database.
  • @Delete-It is Used to delete records into the Room Database.
  • @Update-It is Used to update records in the Room Database.
  • @Query-It is Used to enter the Query like(SELECT FROM).

What is Room Database in Android

Steps to implement Room Database in Android Application-

Step 1: Create an Empty Activity project

  • Firstly We can Create an empty Android Studio project. Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio.

Step 2: Adding the Required Dependencies

  • Then We Can Add the dependencies to the app-level gradle file. By going to ProjectName -> src -> build. gradle.

Step 3: Creating Data Entity

  • Create a Sample Data class named User. kt.
  • And call on the code which contains entities User as an entity, which represents a row and first_name, last_name, and age represent column names of the table.

Step 4: Creating Data Access Objects (DAOs):

  • Now create an interface named UserDao.kt.
  • And call on the code which provides various methods which are used by the application to interact with the user.

Step 5: Creating the Database

  • Now creating the Database which defines the real application’s database, which is the main access point to the application’s continuous data. This class must satisfy:
  •  The class must be abstract.
  •  The class should be annotated with @Database.
  •  Database class must define an abstract method with zero arguments and return a case of DAO.
  • Now call on the code inside the AppDatabase.kt file.

Step 6: Usage of the Room Database

  • Inside the MainActivity.kt file we can create a database, by providing usage names for the database.


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